Name of each family member

Their action towards me that tells me I belong

My action


Adonis Azcuna

-He disciplines me particularly in my grades and school performances and he does that by a heart to heart talk.

-He scolds me when I don’t follow his requests especially if it’s for my sister and he actually just spanks me playfully if I do that.

-I help with the latest technologies especially that he has business. I help him use the internet and the websites that he would visit.

-If my mom is not there, he takes care of my younger sister and I also help him. I help him by watching my sister and preparing her needs.

-He’s my dad and he acts like the head of the family. He always has this authority in his voice, but he jokes a lot, too. He wakens up our mood in the morning.

Rachel Azcuna

-She supports me in my activities especially if she knows that it will give me good grades in my performance. She supports me by taking care of all expenses I need.

-She takes care of me when I’m ill especially right now that I am coughing non-stop. She does that by bringing me to the doctor without thinking twice and buying me medicine directly.

-If she is at home, I will help her take care of my sister. If she cleans, I will watch my sister.

-I sometimes disobey her especially when it comes to my health. She scolds me if I forget to drink my medicine. She scolds me if I don’t follow her requests.

-She’s my mom, nut she acts like my sister. I joke a lot with her together with my sister. I talk to her about my studies and what I do in school. I talk to her about my secrets.

Donesa Rhae Azcuna


-I help myself to fit in the family and let them understand my situation especially my feelings towards them. I want to have a heart to heart talk with them to discuss my wants and need, my situation, and my feelings.

-I am the ‘ATE’ in the family, but I act like as a breadwinner when my mom and dad are working. I take care and watch my sisters at home.

Denesa Rhyle Azcuna

-She fights with me often especially when we are both not in the mood. We don’t fight physically, but verbally.

-She encourages me to do that I can’t do particularly in my fears. She does this by telling me the things that are going to happen if I don’t overcome my fears.

- I fights with her often especially when we are both not in the mood. We don’t fight physically, but verbally.

-I make her bring home projects. She gives me details about the project and I make it all.

-I help her with her assignments especially when my parents are working. I help with her confusions.

-She is my sister and she acts like my sister. Although we fight many times we still love each other. We help each other in taking care of our youngest sister. We tease each other about our fears.

Denese Rheane Azcuna

-She likes to make fun of me when she makes mistakes. When she makes mistake, she just smiles at me when I put my angry face in front of her.

-She likes to play with me especially when we both are together. When I have a toy in my hand, she likes to play it with me.

-I love to take care of her especially most of the time she follows me and makes fun of me. She cooperates with when I take care of her.

- I love to play with her especially when we both are together. When I have a toy in my hand, she likes to play it with me.

-She is my youngest sister and she makes us happy. She always makes us happy with her cute gestures. She do things that make us adore her more.


Travelling makes the most unforgettable memories. In my life, the most unforgettable memories of my family is travelling to my dad's hometown, Zamboanga. I experienced never-seen activities before with them. We traveled to various places like their fish market and more. Hence, it is the most unforgettable memory with my family.


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